Ahli paleoantropologi terkemuka Phillip V. Tobias meninggal dunia pada tanggal 7 Juni 2012 yang lalu. Beliau meninggalkan warisan berharga bagi dunia ilmu pengetahuan, khususnya paleoantropologi dan anatomi. Ucapannya berikut ini menampakkan dedikasinya pada ilmu pengetahuan:
"I have taught over 10 000 students, and all of those are, in some small way, like my children. So it is not a genetic legacy that I leave, but rather a cultural one, orally transmitted through education, the value of which cannot be overemphasized. I like to believe that I have given something valuable to every one of them, and I can tell you quite honestly that almost every one of them has given something very valuable to me, and I remember them as my own family."
Esai singkat tentang Prof. Tobias dapat dilihat di sini.